Personal Training in Wilsonville | Cornerstone Calisthenics Gym

Have a question? Text us at 503-610-4118.

Why Calisthenics?

Calisthenics Is Foundational
-So your fitness journey has a gentle entry point that 
helps you gain mastery in pushing, pulling, squatting, lunging, bridging, and "deep core" movements

Calisthenics Is Scaleable
-So you can start as a complete beginner
or from a high level and feel challenged--but successful

Calisthenics Is Progressive
-Start where you are and progressively build a body that moves and feels better
so you can live with less pain and fear of injury

Calisthenics Bridges The Gap Between Rehab and Sport Performance
-Systematically fill in "gaps" in your strength and eliminate asymmetry
so your body moves with more ease and is able to perform its best

Calisthenics "Bulletproofs" Your Body From Injury
-Gradually build a body that is as flexible as it is strong,
so you can remain physically independent for as long as possible

Calisthenics Keeps The "Whole Person" In Mind
Gracefully blend strength, flexibility, and balance in every workout,
so you leave sessions feeling better than when you arrived

Calisthenics Improves Posture and Reduces Asymmetry
-Every workout thoughtully balances movements and muscles trained,
so you can be certain you're improving symmetry, not creating it

Calisthenics Makes The Impossible Possible
-With our gradual and systematic approach, 
you'll slowly master movements you never believed you could

12 Week Money Back Guarantee
(Results or your money back)

We are so confident our coaching program will work for you we offer a no-questions-asked refund

If after 12 weeks you have not become way stronger and more flexible,
We will refund you every penny!

All we ask is that you...
*Communicate well
*Consistently attend your workouts
*Remain coachable and open minded

If you do these things and don't see a big improvement, we will pay you back.
(P.S. We have never been asked for a refund)

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