Personal Training in Wilsonville | Cornerstone Calisthenics Gym

Have a question? Text us at 503-610-4118.

12 Week Money Back Guarantee
(Results or your money back)

We are so confident our coaching program will work for you we offer a no-questions-asked refund

If after 12 weeks you have not become way stronger and more flexible,
We will refund you every penny!

All we ask is that you...
*Communicate well
*Consistently attend your workouts
*Remain coachable and open minded

If you do these things and don't see a big improvement, we will pay you back.
(P.S. We have never been asked for a refund)

Member Success Stories

Meet Bret
Co-owner and Head Coach at CCG

When I became a personal trainer I developed some major insecurities around food.
I started to restrict foods I previously ate joyfully, and then when I ran out of will power, I would binge on them.

I invested in multiple nutrition coaching certifications hoping this would help me overcome my bad habits,
 but the more I learned, the more uncertain I became.

I had more knowledge than I knew how to apply and finally, in 2019, I admitted I needed help.
I found a coach from a company called Trevor Kashey Nutrition, and my life was forever changed.

While working with my coach, I learned that the most important thing to my success was to become more consistent with how much I ate.
I focused on eating foods I enjoyed, but ones that still made me feel good. 
My urge to binge lessened, because I learned how to successfully re-incorporate the foods I'd restricted. 

Today, I have a sense of comfort that I have built the skills and habits I need to influence my body to change any way I want it to, 
and I've armed myself with tools and strategies to help others on their journey as well.

Meet Thomas
Member since 2022

TJ embodied a willingness to show up and put in the work despite a lot of uncertainty in multiple areas of his life at the time.

We kept a close eye at the rate he lost weight, and he if lost weight too quickly we knew it was time for him to consume more calories to ensure he wasn't also losing muscle.

TJ learned that he could eat a lot of food--foods that he enjoyed, too--and still continue to lose weight successfully. 
More important than his weight loss, though, was the fact he gained a set of skills and sustainable habits he did not previously possess.

During our time working together, TJ went from struggling to get up and down off the floor to touching his toes, mastering full pushups, doing handstands, as well beginning his new passion of running on the days between his workouts.

Meet Shannon
Member since 2015

Shannon started working with us in 2015 and only focused on her fitness for the first five years. 
She got more strong and flexible, but her weight refused to budge.

In 2020 she decided to change that, after being diagnosed pre-diabetic.
Shannon now knows exactly how much to she needs to eat for her body.
She plans to eat her favorite things regularly,
remains intentional about going out for daily walks, 
and now has a sense of control over her ability to lose weight.

Shannon lost 32lbs between August of 2020 and January of 2021 
and now has the skills and tools she needs to continue to see success for life.

Meet Blaine
Member since 2022

Blaine joined Cornerstone in the spring of 2022. 
He primarily wanted to lose weight and improve his flexibility.

In college he was a Division 1 level cheerleader, and was super strong. But his lack of mobility eventually led to a string of bad injuries.

Since we started working together, Blaine took immediate ownership of the things within his control

He became consistent in consuming enough food to keep himself satiated, but able to lose weight steadily.
We kept a close eye on how quickly he lost weight, and if it sped up beyond a certain level, we gave him more food to eat.

He lost 40lbs between April and November of 2022, and has continued implementing the skills and sustainable habits he learned on his own. 

In 2023, Blaine moved near his family in Eugene, OR, where we have actually continued to work together online. He attends one of our evening sessions twice a week and continues to improve as a result of his training.

Meet Patti
Member since 2022

Patti joined CCG in the winter of 2022 and despite having an existing knee and shoulder issue, has absolutely taken off.

She works a high stress job, but has taken ownership of her journey by managing how much food she consumes very well. 

In fact, during the short time we've worked together, she's lost 20lbs has actually been able to increase how much she's been able to eat as time has gone by. This improvement to her metabolism from her strength training makes continued weight loss more sustainable in the long haul.

On top of that, her movement has improved immensely. Her knee issue, while not gone, has lessened greatly and she has more function that improves her day-to-day life. Her shoulder is well managed and is a non-issue at this point. 

This is all thanks to the continued effort she puts in by showing up for her appointments and doing a little bit of extra stretching to key areas outside of her sessions. 

Meet Christian
Member since 2021

Christian started working with us in January of 2021. 
He was dealing with chronic wrist and achilles pain as a result of a car accident a few years prior. 
Despite his challenges, Christian remained coachable and put in the work. 

By July of 2021, he was 42 pounds lighter than when he started.
More importantly, along the way he gained a better ability to manage his emotions.
Because of this, he stayed the course despite feeling frustrated on a number of occasions--a big win over his previous self. 

Not only did he successfully lose weight and keep it off, but his wrist pain and achilles pain is gone. 
He is now able to perform handstands--something he's not been able to do since before his accident.

Meet Vickie
Registered Dietician
Member since 2015

Vickie has a unique condition which allows her joints to pop out of position very easily.
Because of this, building strength and better joint stability remains a priority for her.

In 2020, Vickie kicked it up a notch and began working with us on her own nutrition and lifestyle habits.
Despite her extensive knowledge of nutrition, she admitted knowledge didn't always result in her taking action on her goals.

Vickie wasn't interested in losing weight on the scale, but did want to change how her body looked and felt in her clothes. 
Below you can see the result of her work over the course of one year. 

Meet Paul
Member since 2019

Paul joined CCG in 2019 just for our fitness offerings. In 2020 when we started to offer coaching for nutrition and lifestyle, he was one of the first to jump on board. 

Paul never wanted to lose a lot of weight, but he did want to change the shape of his body.
His job was mainly at a desk, so one of the main things we focused on was building a routine around getting up for regular walks every day.

Between that one important habit and gradually building consistency with how much food he ate--he had a tendency to under consume when busy and stressed with work--he successfully lost about 15 pounds of body fat.

All the while he gained a ton of strength, getting multiple full chin ups, airborne lunges, and has almost mastered his pistol squat, among other accomplishments.

And he did all this while working full time and being a dad and husband to boot.

Meet Megan
Co-owner and co-founder at CCG

In 2019, Megan also hired a coach from Trevor Kashey Nutrition.

During her time working with her coach, she learned how to re-incorporate foods she loved in to her meals every day, but in a way that allowed her to see continued improvement in the way she looked in the mirror.

She successfully broke the cycle of major restriction followed by food binges, and now feels in complete control.

Megan lost 28 pounds in 2020 before becoming pregnant. 

Since giving birth to a healthy baby girl, she's back on it and making gradual changes each week.

Member Testimonials

Meet Margie
Retired medical professional
Member since 2014

Margie is an avid tennis player, and attributes her ability to stay injury free to her training.

One of her most proud accomplishments is her ability to do unassisted chin ups at 70+ years of age.

Margie trains with us at our gym for part of the year, and the rest of the time she trains with us live over Zoom from her home in Arizona.

Meet Norb
Retired Marine Corps. veteran
Member since 2014

Norb has had both hips and a knee replaced, as well as a torn rotator cuff in one shoulder. 

Despite these challenges, his positive "just show up and try his best" attitude has helped 
him improve not just his strength--but his flexibility and balance, too--by leaps and bounds.

Norb trains with us 3x/week over Zoom from his home in Idaho.

Meet Patrick
Member since 2019

Patrick came to CCG looking for a type of exercise that would help him improve his flexibility as much as his strength.

He found that with Calisthenics. He trains with us exclusively over Zoom 3x/weekly from his home.

Patrick lost 30lbs in 9 months, and is now focused on getting even stronger while maintaining his weight.

Meet Neal
Retired engineer
Member since 2012 

A freak accident in 2018 saw Neal rupture quadricep tendons in both knees. 

After a successful surgery, he remained in leg braces that kept his legs locked straight for almost 12 weeks. 

When he was able to walk and drive again, our approach to fitness met him exactly where he was at.

Thanks to Neal's consistency training 3x/week, he's now surpassed his previous levels of strength and flexibility.

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